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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A Man of Pure Talent and Inspiration

Robert Schwartzman, where do I begin. I personally have been obsessed with Robert since I was 16 years old. I first saw him in the movie " The Princess Diaries" where he played Micheal, Princess Mia's romantic interest and brother to her best friend. Next, I saw him performing on my Favorite TV Show "The O.C", where his band mates and him actually performed as a band, while the TV show characters and fans of the show got to enjoy a few songs. After that I was hooked on Robert Schwartzman and the rest of his band. Rooney is a four man band, once a five man band based out of Los Angeles California in which they are very loyal. The other members are Ned Brower, Taylor Lock, and Loui Stevens, as well as one time member now in Medical school Mathew Winters. Robert came by his talent of music and acting naturally as the son of actress Talia Shire (née Coppola) and the late producer Jack Schwartzman. Many other members of Schwartzman's family are involved in film: he is the nephew of Francis Ford Coppola, cousin of Nicolas Cage, Sofia Coppola, Roman Coppola and Christopher Coppola, and grandson of Italia Coppola (née Pennino) and Carmine Coppola (the source of his old stage name). His brother is Jason Schwartzman, lead singer of the band Coconut Records (also an actor and former drummer of the band Phantom Planet) and his half-brother is cinematographer John Schwartzman. Robert as well as the other members of Rooney are not all about fame and fortune though despite their great talent, they are all about their fans and doing what they enjoy. I personally have been able to have several convos about their music with them, which was amazing each and every time. Robert dose his own recordings at home and involves his fans in every way he can. I love how personal Robert gets with his fans, and how much of his life he share with us. Something else that he dose, which I find incredible is his dedication to The "Tibetan Healing Fund" starting by a close family friend of Roberts. Here is what Robert has to say about it on his website: Robert donates money from his record sales to the organization as well as merch on his website. This is what he has to say: "My friend, Kunchok, is a Tibetan Monk and now, a member of my family. He lived with my family from 2007-2010 while he attended UCLA for a doctorate degree in public health. He is the first and only Monk to receive a doctorate degree in the United States. He is an incredibly kind person and extremely inspiring to be around. He has helped me through hard times and I’ve learned so much from him. He returned to Tibet the summer of 2010 and I wasn’t sure when I would see him again. Thankfully, we were invited to perform in Beijing that following October and he came to visit me. We were invited a second time to perform in Beijing and after the concert, I went to visit Kunchok in Tibet. I was almost going to cancel the trip to Tibet at the last minute because I felt pressure to return back to LA and finish my SoloBob album. Kunchok encouraged me to not put the trip off and I’m happy I didn’t because it was the trip to Tibet that gave my album a purpose and helped me find my way. Kunchok started an organization called the Tibetan Healing Fund, which helps women and children in rural villages receive medical care. The organization built the first birthing center, a homelike hospital that provides quality care to woman and educates woman on prenatal care. Kunchok spent years slowly raising money and was able to build the center for $90,000 dollars. I was so impressed with this and I knew I could help him raise enough money to build another center. My experience with Kunchok in Tibet showed me more than I ever was able to see or feel or understand. I felt like I needed more out of my work and this is why I’ve decided to donate all the profits from the album sales of Double Capricorn to the Tibetan Healing Fund. It brings me so much happiness to take something I love to do, write and record music, and use that music for an important cause like the Tibetan Healing Fund. So little goes such a long way for this cause. Thank you all for your time and interest in this project. My goal is to raise enough money to build a new birthing center and it’s going to take all of us to make this possible". (-Robert Schwartzman) I hope that you are inspired by Robert as much as I am, and I hope that you learn a little more about the music industry in Los Angeles as well as the amazing talent of Robert and Rooney after reading my blog. I could say soo much more about them, but if you want to know more, just google them urself, and I promise you will be happy you did.

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