Fashion can be fun for everyone

Girls and guys find the perfect outfit for your boyfriends
and guys learn how to dress to impress
for every occasion and time of year

Thursday, May 23, 2013

nice guys win in the end

make love not porn

Sunday, May 12, 2013

The voices of our Generation

Mirrors By Justin Timberlake Suit and Tie By Justin Timberlake When I was your Man By Bruno Mars Locked Out of Heaven By Bruno Mars Radioactive By Imagine Dragons Demons By Imagine Dragons

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Music makes the wold go round, check out this Huffington Post Article

Guitarists Really Are Hot, Studies Confirm The Huffington Post | By Nina Bahadur Posted: 05/06/2013 6:47 pm EDT | Updated: 05/06/2013 6:47 pm EDT 128 23 0 65 66 GET WOMEN ALERTS: SIGN UP FOLLOW: Love & Sex, Video, Nicolas Guéguen, What Women Want, Attractiveness Effects, Geoffrey Miller, Men Who Play The Guitar, Musical Men, Musicians And Attractiveness, Psychology Of Music, Sexual Selection, The Mating Mind, Why Are Musicians Attractive, Women News Have a single guy friend looking for a date? Tell him to invest in a guitar. A new study out of the Université de Bretagne-Sud in France, forthcoming in Psychology of Music, investigated whether men with guitars were more attractive to women. Researchers, led by social and cognitive psychologist Nicolas Guéguen, asked a 20 year-old man to approach 300 women in their 20s and early 30s in the public shopping district of a medium-sized French city. The subject introduced himself, complimented the woman and asked for her phone number. The subject was either empty-handed, holding a sports bag, or holding a guitar case. As it turned out, women were much more interested in going out for drinks with someone who played the guitar. When the subject was carrying the guitar case, 31 percent of the women he approached agreed to hand over their number, compared to 14 percent when he was carrying nothing and nine percent when he was carrying the sports bag. Pacific Standard magazine compared these results to those of a 2012 study conducted in Israel, the results of which were published in Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science. Female students at Tel Aviv University and Ben Gurion University were more likely to accept a man's Facebook friend request when his profile picture showed him playing a guitar than if it there was no musical instrument in his picture. So why exactly does holding a guitar increase a man's attractiveness? The authors of the Université de Bretagne-Sud suggest in their paper that musical ability might be "associated with physical and intellectual abilities.” Musical talent has been linked to better spatial awareness and mathematical skill -- but those aren't necessarily a factor in how attractive we find someone, especially not at first sight. Geoffrey Miller, a psychologist and author of "The Mating Mind," has said that humans invented music because we like the sounds -- and that musicians are attractive because they make the sounds. In an April 2012 debate with fellow scientist Gary Marcus, published in the Atlantic, Miller said: "Darwin argued that music evolved mainly by sexual selection through mate choice -- and that we're uncomfortable acknowledging that fact." However, Miller's theory may be complicated by follow-up research from Nicolas Guéguen. According to Tom Jacobs at the Pacific Standard, Guéguen replicated the Israeli study, this time with women requesting male students as Facebook friends, and found that the presence of an instrument in the woman's profile picture made no difference to whether or not the participants would accept her friend request. If music evolved through sexual selection, wouldn't both men and women prefer members of the opposite sex who could play a tune? Or is there a distinct evolutionary advantage for women in going after men with musical abilities, but not vice versa? We'll leave that question to science. In the meantime, men, you might want to think about guitar lessons.

A Man of Pure Talent and Inspiration

Robert Schwartzman, where do I begin. I personally have been obsessed with Robert since I was 16 years old. I first saw him in the movie " The Princess Diaries" where he played Micheal, Princess Mia's romantic interest and brother to her best friend. Next, I saw him performing on my Favorite TV Show "The O.C", where his band mates and him actually performed as a band, while the TV show characters and fans of the show got to enjoy a few songs. After that I was hooked on Robert Schwartzman and the rest of his band. Rooney is a four man band, once a five man band based out of Los Angeles California in which they are very loyal. The other members are Ned Brower, Taylor Lock, and Loui Stevens, as well as one time member now in Medical school Mathew Winters. Robert came by his talent of music and acting naturally as the son of actress Talia Shire (née Coppola) and the late producer Jack Schwartzman. Many other members of Schwartzman's family are involved in film: he is the nephew of Francis Ford Coppola, cousin of Nicolas Cage, Sofia Coppola, Roman Coppola and Christopher Coppola, and grandson of Italia Coppola (née Pennino) and Carmine Coppola (the source of his old stage name). His brother is Jason Schwartzman, lead singer of the band Coconut Records (also an actor and former drummer of the band Phantom Planet) and his half-brother is cinematographer John Schwartzman. Robert as well as the other members of Rooney are not all about fame and fortune though despite their great talent, they are all about their fans and doing what they enjoy. I personally have been able to have several convos about their music with them, which was amazing each and every time. Robert dose his own recordings at home and involves his fans in every way he can. I love how personal Robert gets with his fans, and how much of his life he share with us. Something else that he dose, which I find incredible is his dedication to The "Tibetan Healing Fund" starting by a close family friend of Roberts. Here is what Robert has to say about it on his website: Robert donates money from his record sales to the organization as well as merch on his website. This is what he has to say: "My friend, Kunchok, is a Tibetan Monk and now, a member of my family. He lived with my family from 2007-2010 while he attended UCLA for a doctorate degree in public health. He is the first and only Monk to receive a doctorate degree in the United States. He is an incredibly kind person and extremely inspiring to be around. He has helped me through hard times and I’ve learned so much from him. He returned to Tibet the summer of 2010 and I wasn’t sure when I would see him again. Thankfully, we were invited to perform in Beijing that following October and he came to visit me. We were invited a second time to perform in Beijing and after the concert, I went to visit Kunchok in Tibet. I was almost going to cancel the trip to Tibet at the last minute because I felt pressure to return back to LA and finish my SoloBob album. Kunchok encouraged me to not put the trip off and I’m happy I didn’t because it was the trip to Tibet that gave my album a purpose and helped me find my way. Kunchok started an organization called the Tibetan Healing Fund, which helps women and children in rural villages receive medical care. The organization built the first birthing center, a homelike hospital that provides quality care to woman and educates woman on prenatal care. Kunchok spent years slowly raising money and was able to build the center for $90,000 dollars. I was so impressed with this and I knew I could help him raise enough money to build another center. My experience with Kunchok in Tibet showed me more than I ever was able to see or feel or understand. I felt like I needed more out of my work and this is why I’ve decided to donate all the profits from the album sales of Double Capricorn to the Tibetan Healing Fund. It brings me so much happiness to take something I love to do, write and record music, and use that music for an important cause like the Tibetan Healing Fund. So little goes such a long way for this cause. Thank you all for your time and interest in this project. My goal is to raise enough money to build a new birthing center and it’s going to take all of us to make this possible". (-Robert Schwartzman) I hope that you are inspired by Robert as much as I am, and I hope that you learn a little more about the music industry in Los Angeles as well as the amazing talent of Robert and Rooney after reading my blog. I could say soo much more about them, but if you want to know more, just google them urself, and I promise you will be happy you did.

Gauged earrings

I'v spent way to much time looking at pics of tattoos and piercings on Instrgram and have come to this conclusion........... Don't stretch ur ears out and get huge gauged earrings, go for something small and closed. This is only my opinion and what I would tell a friend to do. Don't Do This Instead.......... Do This

This is only my opinion

Hey Blog readers, I just wanted to send a message out for you, explaining a little about my blog and thanking those of you who read it. 1st off I don't pretend to be an expert at Fashion or anyone special, I am just an ordinary California girl who loves Fashion and wants to share her "Opinions" (because these are only my opinions) with ordinary everyday guys and girls. I try to blog about as many different types of fashion as I can, but I do admit to being biased in my fashion choices, and topics. If there is anything you would like to read about, or need help with, you know where to find me. I hope that my blog helps you or at least interests you occasionally. Im just a girl, trying to have some fun and share my interests and love of fashion with others. I apologize for the bad set up, and anything else you might not like, I know this is not perfect, but its my hobby and its fun, so I hope you can enjoy it also. So, boyfriend, girlfriends, and guys looking for advice: dress to the latest styles and learn about the fashion world by reading my blog, it would mean a lot to me. - Love Truly, Ur blogger <3

Monday, May 6, 2013

Great Find, Digging the Harry Styles look, but no really this is gorgeous

I found this Sweater on, it reminded me of Harry Styles tattoo, so I looked up Swallow tatto's online and discovered a whole lot about their history: This is what I found..... GREY MARL EMBROIDERED SWALLOWS SWEATSHIRT swallow tattoo Web definitions The swallow tattoo was a symbol used historically by sailors to show off their sailing experience. Of British origin in the early days... Despite the fact that they are considered somewhat “old school,” swallow tattoos are definitely coming back into style and are becoming an increasingly popular type of tattoo design for men and girls today. Bird tattoos featuring swallows actually date back to a time when sailors used swallows as a form of crude navigation, since they didn’t have access to the modern navigation we know today. To sailors, seeing swallows in the skies was the first sign that they were close to land, which is why swallow tattoo meanings have, in many ways, come to represent some sort of safe return home. Swallows are known to travel long distances out to sea during migration and then rest on boats close to shore. Seeing these swallows gave sailors a sense of hope that they would make it home safely after all. The first known swallow tattoo is said to date back to sailors aboard a ship that was named The Swallow. According to lore, seven crew members staged a mutiny on the ship, and each had a swallow tattoo inked on their chests so they could recognize each other. Once authorities got smart and started looking for the guys with the swallow tattoos, their friends also tattooed swallows on themselves to throw them off the trail. In time, the swallow tattoo somehow became a symbol of sailing expertise, and a swallow tattoo was traditionally inked on a sailor’s chest for every 5,000 nautical miles (5,750 miles or 9,250 kilometers) sailed. Once he successfully sailed 5,000 miles, the sailor would get a swallow tattoo on one side of his chest. Once he sailed 10,000 total nautical miles, he would get a swallow tat on the other side of his chest. So, the more swallow tattoos a sailor had, the more experienced a sailor he was. Because sea travel was considered a very dangerous endeavor for sailors in those days, a sailor with one or two swallow tattoos was considered very experienced and was therefore valuable and trustworthy. In other words, swallow tattoos for sailors were a symbol of status. In addition to inking a swallow on their bodies to represent how many nautical miles they had sailed, some sailors would also get a swallow tattoo after completing certain goals. These achievements included sailing all seven seas, crossing the equator from either direction, and sailing around the Horns, which includes the bottom of Africa and the bottom of South America. Even though it seems like sailors only got swallow tattoos so they could show off how many miles they had sailed, the opportunity to boast isn’t the only meaning of a swallow tattoo. According to legend, if a sailor perished at sea, the swallows would alight upon his soul and lift him from the ocean and up into heaven. Because of this legend and others involving swallows, the meaning of a swallow bird tattoo was believed to represent honor, dignity, respect and trust. Other swallow tattoo meanings and styles Besides the nautical reference that many swallow tattoos are associated with, there are a number of other swallow tattoo meanings out there, some that date back to earlier times and some that offer more modern symbolism. Check out the following alternative meanings of a swallow tattoo. Swallow tattoo meaning returning home Because swallows return home every year to San Juan Capistrano in California, swallow tattoo meanings often symbolize returning home, or a sense of pride in both your people and where you come from. Swallow tattoo meaning true love & loyalty In addition, because the swallow is a bird that chooses a mate for life and will only nest with that mate, tattoos featuring two swallows are often meant to represent true love or soul mates. Some people get swallow tattoos as a symbol of fidelity and loyalty, either to family, a very close friend, or a loved one. In fact, Egyptian love poetry declares the meaning of a swallow bird tattoo to be the dawn of a new love. Swallow tattoo meaning freedom or prison time Some people believe the meaning of a swallow tattoo is overcoming an obstacle or struggle, or surviving some sort of hardship in life. Along the same lines, many people interpret the meaning of a swallow tattoo to be that the person has been to prison and served his “bird.” This swallow tattoo meaning originated in British prisons and correlates with the term “jail-bird,” which is also related to freedom. Swallow tattoo meaning fast fists Swallow tattoos found on older, tough men are often meant to represent strength and power. Back in the day, men used to get swallows tattooed on the backs of their hands if they were known as a fast, strong and vicious fighter. This swallow tattoo meaning in England or Australia stood for “these fists fly,” and became a sort of symbol for working class pride – fast fists. Swallow tattoo designs The traditional swallow tattoo mimics the type and meaning of a swallow tattoo that sailors originally had. Typically inked in black or muted colors, these swallow bird tattoos were simple, subtle, and meant a great deal. Today, swallow tattoos are often more stylized and colorful, evoking a more modern swallow tattoo meaning. Although people get swallow tattoos for a variety of reasons these days, it is likely that the tat is supposed to represent one of the swallow tattoo meanings mentioned above. Even celebrities love to get swallow tattoos inked on their bodies. To date, celebrities with swallow tattoos include Christina Applegate, Johnny Depp and Mark McGrath. Over the centuries, swallow tattoo meanings have developed and changed; today, the meaning of a swallow tattoo can be loyalty, health, wealth, and even the rigors of long-distance travel. Interestingly enough, some swallow tattoos meanings coincide with the meaning of nautical star tattoos, another type of tattoo that was once very popular among sailors. Some of the most popular places to get a swallow tattoo for girls include the hip, neck, lower back and shoulders. For men, swallow tattoos are typically found on the hands, chest or neck. If you are planning on getting a swallow tattoo, first figure out the swallow tattoo meaning and where you plan to put the tat, and then you are good to go!

Instagram fun with my new Iphone