Fashion can be fun for everyone

Girls and guys find the perfect outfit for your boyfriends
and guys learn how to dress to impress
for every occasion and time of year

Friday, December 16, 2011

How to look hot guys

So this is a Joke, but hey u never know, being just a little unique or changing up ur look good catch someones attention.

If you don't have this stuff, borrow a friends, for ur facebook pics, ok really i am kidding here, not trying to give u any bad ideas :)

1. Carry a Camera

2. Wear a Hat

3. Have a pet

5. Make music stuff-i-wish-my-boyfriend-would-wear

This is off a website that I just found: These are some of the things one girl wishes her boyfriend wore: (mmmmm Interesting) Maybe Yes, Maybe No

Facial Hair (????) the age old question

It works on these guys, would it work on you???

Cause not every guy is cut out for facial hair

Looking for something new this holiday break?

It's almost Hanukkah